Florence, Italy

on Monday, November 19, 2007

Time has been a precious thing recently, and I haven't had much to do things like posting on my blog, obviously. Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead, I am alive and doing very well. Today is my third day in Florence. Since my post in Paris I have been to Interlaken, Switzerland and Venice, Italy. Both places were beautiful in their own, unique ways. Interlaken made me especially homesick for Colorado and the mountains. Venice was one of the coolest places I have ever been to, with all the canals and no motorized vehicles allowed in the whole city. Now we are in Florence. The majority of our time in Italy has been spent studying Renaissance art, a theme that will continue through Rome, our next stop. I have 15 days left until I board the plane to come home. Everyday I become more and more ready to come home back to everything I know and love, but I am excited for the places we have left, Rome and Athens. On Thursday I will be visiting Cincaterra, which I hear is amazing. I am excited for so many things, Rome, Athens, going home; I am just really excited about life right now.

In light of how little time I have left on the trip, this will probably be the last post I make from Europe. I have so many things I still need to do, in regard to my class work and in regard to what I personally want to accomplish in Europe, and I think my remaining time will be best spent accomplishing those things and not updating my blog. I plan to make the rest of my updates over winter break. I have been keeping a detailed journal, so I will draw on that material to make my updates on the remaining cities over break.

For those five people still actually reading this blog, please continue to keep me in your prayers. My biggest prayer requests are that I would stay motivated and excited about being here while going home seems so close, that I would continue to give this experience all I have, and for the safety of our group as we finish up are journey. That is all I have for now.
Love and blessings,

Paris, France

on Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hey everyone.
This is going to be the shortest blog post yet because I am in a hurry, but want everyone to know I am doing well and very busy. I have been in Paris since Friday and have done a ton. Here is a list of what I have done and seen: biking around Versailles, the Effile tower, the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsay, Centre Pompidou, Notre Dame, Saint Chapel, the Latin District, and riding the Metro. Paris is an incredible city, one I hope I have the privilage of visiting again in the future. I still have so much left to see and so little time, and on top of that I have an art history test on Thursday. Luckily I have a freeday on Friday. I will try to get a better post up soon, but I am so busy I barely had time for this.
Love and blessings,